Selasa 14 Oct 2014 16:50 WIB

EU to hold tourism exhibition in Jakarta

Rep: CR05/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tourism (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Dhoni Setiawan
Tourism (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- EU Ambassadors will hold a free exhibition of European Cultural Tourism for the first time in Asia and Indonesia.

This prestigious event will be presented by 24 countries at Balai Kartini, South Jakarta on Oct 18-19, 2014. EU Ambassador to Indonesia Olof Skoog said that it would be a special event.

"I know many tourism exhibitions held in Indonesia, but this time is special. We present European taste," Skoog said during a press conference at Leiden Hotel, Jakarta recently.

This exhibition, which titled 'Destination Europe' aimed to attract more Indonesian tourists to come to Europe. Europe has historic towns, delicious food and unique cultural diversity. This exhibition will involve 70 exhibitors, presenting 50 performances, such as dance, music group, band, cooking contest, workshop, as well as culinary festival.


"It will give you more inspiration to visit Europe," Skoog added.

Indonesian people is considered to be a potential tourists. About 140,000 Indonesian tourists visited Europe in 2013.

The number continues to increase every year. Europe also becomes favourite destination to Indonesian people in terms of education. The education exhibition will be held on Nov 8-11 in three major cities, namely Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar.

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