Jumat 26 Sep 2014 10:00 WIB

Saman Dance officially receives a certificate of world cultural heritage

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: [ist]

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Aceh provincial government officially received a certificate for saman dance as intangible world cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO. The National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) handed over the duplicate certificate and knitting bag from papua as the symbol to each representative of local government. It was a form of recognition, protection and preservation of Indonesian cultural arts.

"Although it is a little bit late, but the meaning is very deep. May be if we do not keep the saman dance, the title can be revoked," Deputy Minister of Education and Culture, Windu Nuryanti said on Thursday.

Governor of Aceh, Abdullah Zaini said that the recognition of saman dance encouraged people to preserve the culture. It will boost people to more concerned with local culture.

"We do not need to worry our culture claimed by other country," Zaini said.

Saman dance has been recognized as UNESCO's world intangible cultural heritage since November 24, 2011 with the criteria of the cultural heritage that needs urgent protection. Saman Gayo dance is a cultural heritage that can be traced to the 13th century. It was developed by Syekh Saman containing moral messages.

Saman dance is played by dozens of men, but the number must be odd. The leader or penangkat sits in the middle of line and singing the verses containing messages about traditions, development, religion, advice, sarcasm, humor, also romance. All dancers sit on their heels or kneel at one line. They clap their hands, chest, thighs and floor. Saman movement symbolizes the nature, environment and daily life of Gayo community.

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