Rabu 27 Aug 2014 17:31 WIB

Indonesian banks association to hold 2014 banking expo

ATM booths of some Indonesian banks (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
ATM booths of some Indonesian banks (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The National Banks Association (Perbanas) will hold the 4th Indonesian Banking Expo (IBEX) at the Jakarta Convention Center, on August 28-30, 2014. The expo will be organized as a forum for sharing and exchanging vision and ideas among the public and banking industries ahead of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015, Perbanas Chairman Sigit Pramono stated during a press conference on Wednesday.

"The IBEX will function as a forum to share and exchange ideas on how to support local industries that are able to substitute imported products in an effort to reach self-sufficiency ahead of AEC 2015," Pramono noted.

Through the expo, the young generation would get a glimpse into the banking history and its contribution towards the nation's development, Pramono stated. Hence, he invited the public to visit and become involved in the seminars and discussions at the IBEX 2014 as the expo would provide varied information about banking and ways to utilize banking services to develop self-potential.

Perbanas is working in tandem with the Central Bank of Indonesia "Bank Indonesia," Financial Services Authority, and other stakeholders to organize the expo. According to Pramono, as the third-largest market in Asia, Indonesia itself is a potential market for the local industries. Moreover in 2025, Indonesia will be able to benefit from a demographic bonus where majority of its population will belong to the productive age group.

"The banking industry has a strategic role to support the productive age group to take a part in development, not only financially but also on how to be productive in creating goods or services, which will be fancied by the domestic market," he added.

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