Rabu 18 Jun 2014 03:42 WIB

Govt must change tax revenue strategy

Rep: Meiliani Fauziah/Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Chatib Basri
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Chatib Basri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -  Minister of Finance, M Chatib Basri said that state revenue decreased caused by external factors. Tax revenue is still concentrated in commodity and energy sectors. Unfortunately prices of both sectors now declined.

"If revenue of both sectors dropped, then our revenue also declined," Basri said on Tuesday.

According to Basri, government must change its strategy to avoid the decrease. Government may not only focus on traditional external factors, such as mining and commodities, but also developing other sectors, which have a lot of opportunities, such as real estate, finance, services, communication and transportation sector.

Taxation sector can be managed by controlling the individual taxpayers. The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) asked government to make a breakthrough to increase tax revenue that was transparent and accountable. For example, government can give more flexibility in taxation management.

Government needs to increase the ability or autonomy of tax agencies directly under President's control. Directorate General of Taxation has implemented a program of bureaucratic reform or taxation modernization.

"Institutional reform and remuneration to tax authorities are two critical success factors and performance optimization of tax revenue," BPK's chairman, Rizal Djalil added.

According to him, government has not been carried out a comprehensive evaluation in implementing modernization program of bureaucratic reform of taxation sector. Current economic condition and global recession affected taxpayers' ability to improve and meet their payments.

Government must continue to encourage the growth of real sector investment and production. It aimed to improve economy and taxpayers' ability to increase their payments. Indonesia's tax revenue in 2013 was recorded 1.099 trillion IDR.

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