Ahad 26 Jan 2014 17:48 WIB

Kupang City developing public participation-based tourism

Some tourists capture the sunrise in Desa Tulehu, Ambon. The island offers a number of potentials for tourism and other economic cooperations. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Embong Salampessy
Some tourists capture the sunrise in Desa Tulehu, Ambon. The island offers a number of potentials for tourism and other economic cooperations. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUPANG -- The Kupang city administration in East Nusa Tenggara Province is developing public participation-based tourism to encourage local residents to benefit from it.

"Hopefully, the pattern will encourage the local people to participate in the development of tourism by taking advantage of their capability," acting head of the Kupang city tourism office Otniel Pello said here on Sunday.

The pattern would give a chance to all city dwellers to develop potentials in each tourist site in support of the city's tourism, he said.

To develop the public participation-based tourism, the local residents could run a number of businesses including souvenir shops, food stalls with local menu and transportation services, he said.


They could also sell a variety of handicraft goods including woven clothes with a variety of motifs and colors, open art galleries and form arts groups, he said.

As the capital of East Nusa Tenggara province, Kupang is home to different ethnic groups which have a variety of cultures and arts, he said.

The variety of cultures and arts served as extraordinary assets which could attract tourists to visit various tourist destinations in the province, he said.

"We have coasts such as Nun Su'i, Pasir Panjang and Kelapa Lima, natural tourist sites such as monkey cave and historical tourist sites such as Japanese monument. All of them will become a target of development," he said.

sumber : Antara

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