Kamis 23 Jan 2014 07:46 WIB

Govt: No disruption on rice supplies to Jakarta

A worker unloads rice stock in central rice market in Cipinang, Jakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
A worker unloads rice stock in central rice market in Cipinang, Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Indonesian government gave assurance on Wednesday that rice supplies to Jakarta would not be disrupted despite flooding in rice producing areas in the past few days.

"Right now rice supplies to the Cipinang wholesale market are safe. There has been no disruption yet," Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa stated while inspecting the Cipinang wholesale market in East Jakarta on Wednesday.

During the visit, Hatta was accompanied by Agriculture Minister Suswono, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Cicip Sharif Sutardjo, Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi, President Director of State Logistics Agency (Bulog) Sutarto Alimoeso, and Chief of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Suryamin. 

Hatta added that rice supplies to the Cipinang wholesale market currently reached 1,500 tons per day.

"In case of shortage, Bulog will supply rice to the capital," he explained.

The minister said that the floods that struck several parts of the country had raised rice price by 100 IDR per kg due to transportation problem. 

"We have adequate stocks. The Bulog warehouse now holds approximately 2 million tons of rice stocks," he assured. 

Earlier this week, Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi stated that rice stocks at the Cipinang wholesale market were enough for another 11 to 12 days despite declining supplies due to flooding.

"The transportation of rice has been disrupted due to floods in Karawang and Cirebon. As a result, supplies fall to 2,100 tons from 3 thousand tons per day. But overall, stocks are still safe," he said.

The Cipinang market currently is stocking rice supply of an estimated 32,700 tons. The stocks was expected to increase by 2 thousand tons in the next few days so that rice supplies in and around Jakarta would be safe, he pointed out.

"Right now the rice stocks are still safe as there has been no significant rice price hikes," Bayu noted.

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