Jumat 15 Nov 2013 17:00 WIB

Former head of SKK Migas charged with money laundering

Rep: Bilal Ramadan/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kepala SKK Migas Rudi Rubiandini usai menjalani pemeriksaan di Gedung KPK, Jakarta, Rabu (14/8).
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Kepala SKK Migas Rudi Rubiandini usai menjalani pemeriksaan di Gedung KPK, Jakarta, Rabu (14/8).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) announced on Thursday that former Head of Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), Rudi Rubiandini had been charged with money laundering. Commission has published new warrants investigation for him.

"Investigators found indications and strong evidences to prosecute Rudi Rubiandini and Deviardi," KPK Spokesman, Johan Budi said recently.

The two suspects allegedly violated Article 3 of Law 8/2010 on Money Laundering and Article 55 Paragraph 1 of Criminal Code.  Based on the examination, investigators scheduled to examine several witnesses from PT Duta Putra Valutama (a money changer agency), such as Sri Hendryanti, Nurlaila, Febri Firmansyah, Sopyan Hadi Wijaya, Ikhsan Rakhmatulloh and Topo Waspodo.

Commission has set three suspects in a bribery case in upstream oil and gas activities. They are Commissioner of Kernel Oil Ple Ltd Indonesia (Simon Gunawan Tanjaya) as bribe giver, Head of SKK Migas (Rudi Rubiandini) as recipient of bribes and a personal golf trainer (Deviardi) as mediator. Tanjaya has been detained at Corruption Court in Jakarta, while Rubiandini and Deviardi are still under investigation.

KPK seized 1.24 million USD and 187 thousand SGD. KPK has also seized some of Rubiandini’s assets, including a BMW motorcycle and a Toyota Camry. 

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