Ahad 07 Jul 2013 01:20 WIB

Foreign exchange reserves at the lowest level

Rep: Satya Festiani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
An employee of a bank holds bundles of Indonesian rupiah banknotes at Bank Mandiri in Jakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Reuters/Supri
An employee of a bank holds bundles of Indonesian rupiah banknotes at Bank Mandiri in Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves fall from 105.1 billion USD to 98.1 billion USD or worth seven billion USD by the end of June. Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Agus Martowardojo said the foreign exchange reserves touched the lowest level since January 2013.

"The foreign exchange reserves is sufficient to meet the needs of 5.4 months of imports and foreign debt payments. Without external debt, the reserves can meet the needs of 5.5 months of import," said Martowardojo in a press conference on Friday night.

Martowardojo said condition of foreign exchange reserves was sufficient to keep the exchange rate in the future. The decline was due to the amount of capital actions of foreign investors in domestic financial market.

During June 2013, foreign investors sold their ownership of securities and capital markets worth 4.1 billion USD. It was caused the estimated of termination of quantitive easing from the Federal Reserves. 


Martowardojo said the foreign exchange reserves is still safe despite under 100 billion IDR. The reason is the volume is still above the value in global financial crisis in 2005 and 2008 which only enough to fund 4.3 months of imports and foreign debt. 


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