Senin 08 Jul 2024 05:47 WIB

BI Involves 13 Papua Sharia Economic Activists in Fesyar 2024

This activity as an effort to support the development of the sharia economy in Papua.

The halal logo is attached to one of the products. (Illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
The halal logo is attached to one of the products. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA -- Bank Indonesia (BI) Papua Representative Office (KPW) engaged 13 Papuan sharia economic activists at the Asian Eastern Region (KTI) 2024 Islamic Economic Festival (Fesyar) which will take place from 7-10 July 2024, in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra). Papua Provincial BI Representative Faturachman, in Jayapura, Sunday (7/7/2024) said this activity was an effort to support the development of sharia economy in Papua in the future.

“Fesyar 2024 KTI highlights three excellent programs as a channel of sharia economic development strategy, namely strengthening the halal ecosystem, strengthening sharia finance, and strengthening literacy, inclusion, and halal lifestyle,” he said.

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According to Faturachman, there are three excellent programs that are carried out through several activities, namely showcasing the flagship Creative Industries of Sharia Indonesia (Ikra), then capacity building, and sharia competitions.

“Therefore, at the showcasing activity we brought some sharia business players in the Papua region, which is also the foundation of KPw BI Papua,” he said.

He explained to MSKM the structure, namely Sambal Mace Papua with the main product being asar fish sambal that presents a typical Papuan flavor.

In addition, there is a Forestry Creative Gallery MSME under the Ministry of Forestry and LH of Papua Province, which has various excellent local products ranging from coffee, processed sago in various forms, noken and wood paintings produced by Orang Asli Papua.

“Further, for capacity building and certification, we also include halal butchers, da'i, and nazir to undergo training and certification to improve competence and professionalism in their respective professions according to Sharia principles,” he said.

The party also sent a ziswaf representative from Baznas, Papua Province, one chef from a hotel operating in Jayapura, one chef from Pesantren Darul Dakwah Wal Irsyad Mutiara Surga, and one professional fashion designer from Papua Youth Creative Hub.

“All the participants will compete in the top ziswaf competitions, namely Indonesia International Halal Chef Competition (In2HCC), and Indonesia International Modest Fashion (IN2MF) in the Eastern region of Indonesia,” he said.

She explained in addition, there was also the appearance of a student from Cenderawasih University, as a fashion designer who will compete in Indonesia International Modest Fashion (IN2MF).

“KPW BI Papua's participation in this 2024 KTI Festival represents a real commitment to supporting the development of the sharia economy and encouraging the continued development of new sources of economic growth in Papua,” he said.

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