Kamis 16 May 2013 22:28 WIB

Indonesia-Turkey cooperate to build tank manufacture

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The picture shows Leopard tank in Indo Defence 2012 in Jakarta. An expert says that Indonesian's purchasing Leopard can increase its bargaining position among, supplier countries. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Prasetyo Utomo
The picture shows Leopard tank in Indo Defence 2012 in Jakarta. An expert says that Indonesian's purchasing Leopard can increase its bargaining position among, supplier countries. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Ministry of Defence has signed a memorandum of understanding with Turkey to cooperate in weapons system such as light tanks or medium tanks. The signing was held during the Internasional Defense Industri Fair 11th in Istanbul, Turkey.

"The signing was a step forward and would be a starting point for further defense industrial cooperation between both countries," Director General of Defence Potential at Minsitry of Defence, Post Hutabarat said onThursday. 

The ccoperation will also include in communication equipment. The agreement involve two state-owned defense industries, namely PT Pindad and PT Len. Both companies assigned to represent Indonesia in cooperation with Turkish companies, such as Aselsan which has long experience in producing defense and security equipment in Turkey.

Recently, Indonesia has also purchased 104 tanks from Germany worth 3.3 million euros or 41-42 billion IDR according to AFP news. International relations expert, Teuku Rezasyah said it could open opportunities of cooperation with various partners.

"It shows Indonesia's bargaining position, as well as to diversify arm purchase," Rezasyah said.

The purchase also increases Indonesia's bargaining position with similar supplier countries such as the United States, China and South Korea. Indonesia has received positive appreciation in meeting the criteria of modern democracy in the world. It is often associated with the protection of human rights, good governance and responsible. 


sumber : Antara
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