Kamis 13 Dec 2012 23:59 WIB

France: 100 countries back new Syrian coalition

Syrian refugee Am Ahmed stands with her children at her temporary home in a garage where she lives with her family in Bar Elias village in the Bekaa valley December 13, 2012.
Foto: Reuters/Jamal Saidi
Syrian refugee Am Ahmed stands with her children at her temporary home in a garage where she lives with her family in Bar Elias village in the Bekaa valley December 13, 2012.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MARRAKECH - More than 100 countries on Wednesday recognized a new Syrian opposition coalition, opening the way for greater humanitarian assistance to the forces battling Bashar Assad and possibly even military aid, France's foreign minister said.

The formation of the Syrian National Coalition appears to be the step the international community has been waiting for to extend deeper assistance to the opposition, which had been criticized for not being sufficiently organized or representative.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called the "Friends of the Syrian People" conference meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, "extraordinary progress." He noted that the European Union is now renewing its weapons embargo on Syria every three months rather than annually to be more flexible as the situation on the ground changes.

"We want to have the ability to continue or to change our attitude on this point. The fact that the coalition, which is asking for the right to defend itself, is now being recognized by a hundred countries — yesterday the US and first France — I think this is a very important point."

The conference comes hours after President Barack Obama declared the new coalition was the "legitimate representative" of Syria's people.


Ask for 'real support'

At the conference, Syrian opposition spokesman Walid al-Bunni called for "real support" and not just recognition. The Syrian National Coalition, formed in November during a conference in Doha, Qatar, has been calling for increased international support, including military material.

"We need not only bread to help our people," opposition member Saleem Abdul Aziz al Meslet told The Associated Press. "We need support for our Syrian army. We need to speed up things and get rid of this regime."

Some of that support appeared to be forthcoming, with Saudi Arabia announcing a 100 million USD aid package at the conference. Western countries have been reluctant to send arms to Syria. That's not the least because of their experience in Libya, where the West actively backed one side in a civil war in a country that later became awash in militant groups.

There has been a noticeable hardening of the Western rhetoric though as the war in Syria has ground on for nearly two years. With more than 40,000 people killed, according to estimates by rights groups, and as the rebels score new battlefield victories, there are fears that Assad may turn to his chemical weapons arsenal.

"In the United Kingdom, we do not rule out any option to save lives," warned British Foreign Secretary William Hague in his speech at the conference. "We do not know how long the conflict in Syria will last. But uniting the international community around these efforts, helping the national coalition to win the confidence of the Syrian people, planning for a peaceful future for the country and protecting the victims of the conflict on whom that future will rest is surely the right way to end the conflict and stop the appalling loss of life."

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was expected to attend the conference, but cancelled following an illness. She was being represented by William Burns, the deputy secretary of state for the Middle East .

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday the recognition contradicted earlier international agreements that foresee the "commencement of an all-Syria dialogue" that would include all sides of the conflict.


sumber : AP
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