Rabu 25 Jan 2012 18:39 WIB

A story of Living in harmony Sunni-Shiite

Rep: Amri Amrullah/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Shiite and Sunni are hand in hand (ilustration).
Foto: mideastshuffle.com
Shiite and Sunni are hand in hand (ilustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Lately, we may be choked by so many strories of conflict between Sunni and Shiite in Indonesia or any other regions. Yet, it is very unfortunate that we may not hear much about how both groups living in harmony in this country, traced back to before the Independence Day of Indonesia. 

The level of tolerance of earlier Shiite figures in Indonesia to Syafiiyah –one of four Islamic school of thoughts in Sunni- was quite high, an expert on Shiite from Islamic State University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Zulkifli on Wednesday. Both groups usually held some religious rituals together, regardless to their differences. 

“In the past, most of Shiite figures were very tolerant towards Sunni teachings and vice versa,” Zulkifli said in a seminar.

Zulkifli cited, there were a number of examples that explain how both groups living in harmony. Tradition of Tabot in West Sumatra and Jambi was one example of tolerance and harmony of both, he said. 

This explanation is echoed by another expert on Shiite, Fuad Jabali. He said, tolerance between Sunni and Shiite was very vibrant and reflected in cultural and intellectual realms.  

Tabot is a symbol of Sunni-Shiite cultural tolerance. While intellectual tolerance is mirrored in dissemination of movement concept by Ali Syariati and Murtada Muthahari –both are Shiite scholars. Among other things, the concept inspired Indonesians to against imperialism. The movement then led to Indonesian independence.   

“The lack of tolerance only occurs when Shiite and Sunni issues get into political realm and also some external influences from Saudi Arabia with its Sunni-Wahabi concept and from United States,” Jabali explained.

Jabali pointed that legalization of Shiite is not necessary. “Let things flow naturally,” Jabali added.

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