Sabtu 03 Mar 2018 02:38 WIB

Whale stranded on Situbondo coast

The whale will be pushed back in to the ocean during high tide.

Stranded sperm whale. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Jojon
Stranded sperm whale. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SITUBONDO -- A sperm whale was found stranded on the coast of Jangler Village, Situbondo Regency, East Java, on Thursday (March 1) evening.

The 20-metre long and 8-meter high whale must have got stranded after being pursued by marine predators and separating from its group, Banyuwangi head of Resort Conservation Area Vivi Primayanti said.

"It is difficult to move the mammal from 500 metres within the beach because the sea water has receded," she said in Situbondo on Friday.

The first measure to keep the stranded whale living was to cover its body with a large carpet to avoid direct contact with sunlight. The whale will be pushed back in to the ocean during high tide.


sumber : Antara


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