Rabu 03 Feb 2016 16:14 WIB

Government to make Lake Toba more beautiful

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Subroto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government has formulated the concept of the development of Lake Toba, North Sumatra. So far, Lake Toba has become one of 10 tourist destination that was concerned by the government.

Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Rizal Ramli said the first thing that needs to be done is clean up Lake Toba. According to him, the condition of Lake Toba was very dirty because many fish farmers who entered animal feed until 256 tons per month.

"20 percent of the feed was not eaten by the fishes, so it became toxic and the water smelly. If people swim in there, they will feel purities,"  Rizal said in a press conference at Presidential Palace, Tuesday (2/2).

The government will also improve access to Lake Toba. Rizal said a ring road on the Island of Samosir and also highway to Kualanamu will be build. Repair and construction of roads is important to make the distance to Lake Toba from Kualanamu which reached 4-5 hours shorter.

Moreover, the government will build eco-tourism around Lake Toba. Rizal said Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya have been willing to give 500 hectares of land.

"This land is bare, but we will make it greener," he added.

Lake Toba also be developed to provide historical tours that tell about Toba eruption in a four-dimensional theater. The government was inviting a regular institution in charge of museums in the United States (US) to provide the theater.

Rizal explained Toba eruption is one of the biggest natural phenomenons in the world. The eruption made the world's climate change. It also made every continent in the world separated because the heat ejected by Mount Toba.

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