Sabtu 14 Jan 2017 19:43 WIB

Sukmawati responds Habib Rizieq’s plan to report her

Rep: Muhyiddin, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Sukmawati Sukarnoputri
Foto: Edwin/Republika
Sukmawati Sukarnoputri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Sukmawati Sukarnoputri responded the Grand Imam of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Muhammad Rizieq Shihab's plan, to report her back due to what he called as criminalization towards his master degree thesis. The response was delivered by his advisory on advocate and public policy, Yongla Patria.

According to Patria, Sukmawati was strongly denied the allegations. "Mrs. Sukmawati never knew the contents and the title of the thesis, and she never conducted a deep review on it, moreover to disfigured it in public," said Patria to reporters on Saturday.

So far, he said, Sukmawati only reported Rizieq related to the alleged insult on Pancasila as a state symbol. Therefore, the accusation directed to Sukmawati on doing criminalization related on his thesis is misguided.

Also read: Habib Rizieq feels criminalized

"Mrs. Sukmawati only reported Rizieq related to his statement, ‘Pancasila Sukarno, the God is taken on the butt’. So, Rizieq’s statement said that Sukmawati criminalized his thesis is not appropriate," he said.

Previously, Rizieq said that he planned to report Sukmawati Soekarnoputri back with allegations of defamation. The daughter of the former Indonesian President Sukarno was allegedly criminalized him. On Friday, after being questionned by West Java Metro Police, Rizieq explained to the mass that he never insult the founding father. He said he criticized Bung Karno’s view on Pancasila, especially on the principle of God which was placed at the the very last number (buncit). 


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