Jumat 21 Feb 2025 16:59 WIB

MUI: Hoaks Can Destroy the Faith of Muslim Community

Many hoaks are scattered in the digital space.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Hoaks (Illustration)
Foto: Republika
Hoaks (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (MUI) Center for Dakwah and Ukhuwah, KH Cholil Nafis said that hoaks can damage the faith of Muslims. Therefore, he pushed for the Ministry of Communications and Digital (Komdigi) to tackle the rampant hoaks in the digital space by creating special regulations.

He explained that the electronic-based press on the one hand accelerates the flow of information. But on the other hand, it causes uncontrollability of information, because anyone can disseminate information quickly.

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The result of such uncontrollable information, he said, ended up giving rise to many hoaks scattered across the digital space. These hoaxes then become public consumption continuously, so that they become something the truth believes in.

From an Islamic perspective, says Kiai Cholil, hoaks are very dangerous and can threaten the akidah or muamalah of a Muslim. Therefore, according to him, Komdigi should immediately deal with it by making regulations.

“The solution is that all institutions should be aware of this, especially the Ministry of Information and Digital (Komdigi), where Komdigi must create regulations that can address the continuous spread of hoaks in the digital space,” said Kiai Cholil when he was a spokesperson for FGD “Counteracting Hoaks in Digital Space” in Jakarta, Thursday (20/2/2025).

According to him, MUI also tries to control hoaks in the digital space with various efforts, including issuing fatwas on Social Media Fiqih and also providing literacy to dai about the world of social media. “So you also understand social media today and pray on social media to protect people,” Kiai Cholil said.

In the FGD held by the Dakwah Commission, Kiai Cholil also explained that the current era is strongly related to information. He called it the electronic age, the disruption of information delivery vehicles.

“As a result, now the print-based press is rolling out the mat, which results in an increase in unemployment,” said this Ponpes Cendikia Amanah Depok caregiver.

At the same event, a spokesperson from Infocom MUI Pusat, Ismail Fahmi corroborated with facts how our digital space is dominated by hoaks spread by people with their various interests. Ismail Fahmi insists that hoaks in the digital space must be put in order by the authorities, including Kondigi.

“Among them is Komdigi and the roles of religious institutions should be even more intense in dealing with hoaks,” he explained.

Meanwhile, a representative of Komdigi represented by Ajeng Riska Rahmadhani explained that Komdigi is finalizing the Government Regulation Plan for Social Media Restriction which is currently in harmonization with the Ministry of Indonesia.

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