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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24
Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

ESDM Says It Needs Nine Additional Biodiesel Plants for B50 Production

The government aims to implement B50 by 2026.

Biodiesel (illustration). The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said it would take about seven to nine plants to process palm oil into biodiesel. Biodiesel (illustration). The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said it would take about seven to nine plants to process palm oil into biodiesel.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that it would take about seven to nine palm oil processing plants (Crude Palm Oil/CPO) to be added biodiesel to be able to produce B50 fuel.

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“Therefore, for this it is necessary to build again, about seven to nine plants, or later increase the capacity of existing factories,” said Edi Wibowo, Director of Bioenergy of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (IPOC) at the Indonesia Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2024 in Bali, Thursday (7/11/2024).

He said that the addition of the CPO processing plant is to pursue the gap between the need for conversion to B50, which requires 19.7 million kiloliters of biodiesel, while the current total new domestic production is 15.8 million kiloliters.

“That means there is a shortage of about 3.9 million kiloliters,” he said.

Furthermore, Edi said the production needs could also be used as an investment opportunity, given that to realize the B50 needed an additional capital investment of 360 million US dollars.

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“Actually, the investment opportunity is also if later the government has to put about 360 million US dollars in additional investments,” Edi said.

“If the factory remains, maybe if it will withdraw later, it will be the implementation of the B50,” he continued.


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