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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24
Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

Garbage Management Production House Established in Bantul

The program received a good response from the Mardiko scavenger community.

Rep: Khofifah Alief Saputri/Birrul Waalidaini Sumarsono
MPM PP Muhammadiyah and Danone management team.
Birrul Waalidaini MPM PP Muhammadiyah and Danone management team.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANTUL — The closure of waste management at the Integrated Waste Treatment Plant (TPST) Piyungan by the DIY government due to garbage capacity overload has a direct impact on members of the Makaryo Adi Ngayogyakarto (Mardiko) scavenger community. The new policy of the DIY Government resulted in the loss of a major source of employment on the local community including Mardiko communications.

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Seeing this phenomenon, the Public Empowerment Assembly (MPM) of PP Muhammadiyah collaborated with Danone Indonesia and Lazismus PP Muhammadiyah, holding a program to improve public welfare through environmental and health improvement. The activities are to improve community-based waste management until the creation of a sustainable waste management ecosystem, increased capacity building, waste management infrastructure, stunting prevention, and improving the level of health through Clean and Healthy Living Behaviors (PHBS).

As the beginning of this program, Thursday (29/2/2024) MPM PP Muhammadiyah and Danone management team kicked off the first stone laying in the construction of a waste management production house in Jambon, Bawuran, Pleret District, Bantul. The premises will be used as a place for sorting and processing waste.

Chairman of MPM PP Muhammadiyah, M Nurul Yamin said that this activity is expected to change people's perception of garbage. “So it can be managed to provide economic added value for people,” Yamin said on Thursday.

Muarawati Nur Halinda, Vice Chairman of Lazismus Management Agency, Muarawati Nur Halinda, said it is hoped that during this time the garbage that is a problem for Indonesia will become wisdom, will become a pearl, and will become a diamond for society.

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“What this means is that it will not only have an impact on scavengers but also make people aware that when the garbage is properly managed from home, it will benefit the community as well,” Muarawati said.

The program gained a kind response from the public in particular the Mardiko scavenger community. One of Mardiko's members, Lasiah, 62, said she was happy with this program because it could be a place for her livelihood. Lasiah also hopes to have more programs like this in the future.

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