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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24
Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

Pesantren in Sukabumi Involved as Pilot of Eel Fish Production

Modern boarding school Assalam Putri is involved in Eel Fish cultivation

Modern boarding school Assalam Putri is involved in Eel Fish cultivation
Antara Modern boarding school Assalam Putri is involved in Eel Fish cultivation

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Sukabumi—Sukabumi Regency Government (Pemkab) has built Assalam Putri Modern Pesantren Cottage in Warungkiara District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java as a role model or pilot in the Low Cost Segmented Eel Fish Energy System Program (Sibulat Merah)

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“The development of fishing ventures through the agricultural resources carried out in these ponpes is a pilot for residents of Sukabumi Regency and outside the region who want to delve more deeply into this fish farm that has high economic value,” said Sukabumi Regent Marwan Hamami, in Sukabumi on Tuesday (16/1/2024).

According to Marwan, this Sibulat Merah Program is an innovation of Sukabumi Government by engaging Ponpes Modern Assalam to develop social services at affordable or low cost.

The land used to run the program is on the land owned by Ponpes Modern Assalam with an area of about 2 thousand square meters.

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He is also optimistic that the innovation of this fishery potential development program can run smoothly and successfully, so that in the future, the site for the cultivation of Eel Fish in the ponpes can become a learning goal.

Not only that, the program is to realize the centripreneur and one pesantren one product (OPOP) program, so that the results can be used to increase the nutritional intake of students and centrists as a promising field of business.

Moreover, Eel Fish is an export commodity whose market is still wide open, even some countries such as Japan are still in short supply, so this market share must be really exploited.

In addition, the recently launched program is not only limited to cultivating Eel Fish, but it has set up marketing through regional public companies (perumda) and involves other industries that can accommodate Eel Fish.

“We believe that this event will not be difficult to market, especially since Japan and South Korea are still in high demand. Of course, existing business opportunities should be used to improve society's economy

,” he said. On

the other hand, Marwan said the Red Sibulat Program is an innovation in efforts to improve the quality and quantity of fishery products. Thus, this fishing venture with Eel Fish commodities is not only dominated by large companies, but should also be able to be utilized by

the people of Sukabumi Regency.

In running the program, in addition to collaborating with Ponpes Modern Assalam, it also involves the surrounding community to be directly involved in the development process and to absorb its knowledge.

The head of Ponpes Modern Assalam KH Ensep Hadiana said Eel Fish that has been cultivated by his centrists is made into a dish like brownie cake with the main raw material coming from Eel Fish meat.

The election of the ponpes he led to run the program from the Sukabumi Cabinet will certainly be carried out as well as possible, because it is a trust. Of course, he is optimistic that with the help, the investment can be maximized and generate ever-increasing income


sumber : Antara

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