Rabu 06 Dec 2023 21:24 WIB

UNU Yogyakarta Committed to Becoming an Inclusive Campus

Vice Rector of UNU Yogyakarta reminds Indonesia once had a disabled leader.

Commemorative event of International Disability Day and Anti-Violence Against Women Day (HAKTP) 2023 in the auditorium of UNU Yogyakarta Integrated Campus, in Dowangan, Banyuraden, Sleman, DIY, Monday (4/12/2023).
Foto: UNU Yogyakarta
Commemorative event of International Disability Day and Anti-Violence Against Women Day (HAKTP) 2023 in the auditorium of UNU Yogyakarta Integrated Campus, in Dowangan, Banyuraden, Sleman, DIY, Monday (4/12/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- Vice Rector of UNU Yogyakarta Abdul Ghoffar said UNU Yogyakarta is committed to being an inclusive campus. This is tried to be proven through handicap-friendly access on campus, such as the presence of lifts and special toilets for people with disabilities.

"UNU Yogyakarta campus welcomes everyone, including friends with disabilities. So disabled friends don't have to worry about going to college at UNU Yogyakarta," he said on the sidelines of the International Day of Disability and the Day Against Violence Against Women (HAKTP) 2023 in the auditorium of UNU Yogyakarta Integrated Campus, in Dowangan, Banyuraden, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, on Monday (4/12/2023).

At the event held by the Center for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and the Center for Population and Family Welfare Studies (PUSDEKA), there was a performance of children with disabilities and the launch of the book Arunik in Gulita as well as a collection of poems from 26 netra disabled authors from different regions of Indonesia.

The event was attended by hundreds of participants consisting of academics, activists, and people with disabilities. Also present is the Amanah Disabled Community who came from Semarang with various limitations. The agenda is in conjunction with MAN 4 Sleman and the Briliant Study Club.

Currently, UNU Yogyakarta has also accepted a number of students with disabilities, especially those who are deaf. Since the process of admission of new students, until now they go to college, they receive special learning and training guidance so that they do not lag behind in attending college.

In addition, in every event, such as seminars and public lectures, UNU Yogyakarta also provides accompaniments for people with disabilities, such as sign interpreters (JBI).

Abdul Ghoffar also explained that through this effort UNU Yogyakarta provides access for all, so that in the future, leaders and professionals from different circles are born, not least for the disabled.

“Don't forget, we once had a President (Abdurrahman Wahid) and a disabled First Lady. This I guess is what makes disabled friends not to be discouraged because God gives grace to anyone,” he continued.

Wiwin Rohmawati, Director of the Center for GESI, stated that violence against women in Indonesia is still high, even likely to increase. Komnas Perempuan noted that in 2021, there were 4,322 direct complaints of violence against women, increasing to 4,371 cases in 2022.

Gender-based violence, both physical and psychological, in college settings, ranks first in 35 percent of all reported cases.

The HAKTP warning is also inseparable from vulnerable and marginal groups, such as the disabled, transgender, transsexuals, people with HIV/AIDS, children and adolescents, the elderly, people with psychosocial disorders, and other minority groups who face discrimination and violence.

“In the face of non-partisanship, because of stigma, discrimination, and violence, they need resilience, a resilience of resilience or resilience,” Wiwin said.

According to her, the HAKTP warning every year is significant in the context of education, awareness, and policy advocacy related to issues still faced by women and other vulnerable groups.

“Therefore, UNU Yogyakarta is making serious efforts to create a campus that is gender equal, inclusive, and free from sexual violence through various programs, one of which is the HAKTP 2023 commemoration series,” Wiwin said.

Head of Pusdeka Rindang Farihah added that cases of sexual violence have tended to increase in recent years, one of which is due to mental health problems, especially among young people.

“Victims of sexual violence are also prone to trauma and depression. This fact encourages Pusdeka UNU Yogyakarta to carry out effective prevention of sexual violence is by improving the quality of mental health,” he said.

He stressed that the family has a very important role. But most of the young people in Yogyakarta, especially university students, live away from their families. Starting from this condition, the Family and Youth Consultation Clinic (K2+ Clinic) of UNU Yogyakarta campus makes efforts to strengthen students' mental resilience.

“This effort is part of creating UNU Yogyakarta as an inclusive, safe and comfortable campus for everyone,” explained Rindang.

In the series of the agenda, on the second day, Tuesday (5/12/2023), UNU Yogyakarta held a national webinar 'Anjangsana Srikandi: Urun Rembug Implementation of TPKS' Law in cooperation with the Center for Advocacy of Women, Disabled and Children (SAPDA) and supported by the Ministry of PPPA and Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice 2.

On Wednesday (6/12/2023), two talk shows were held, namely 'Sexual Violence on Campus: Various Cases and Handle' and 'Resilience of Vulnerable and Marginal Groups in the Face of Discrimination and Violence'. This activity is in collaboration with PKBI DIY, PR YAKKUM, Rifka Annisa, and DP3AP2 DIY.

In addition, as part of the education, an Instagram creative content creation contest was organized specifically for UNU Yogyakarta students. The five winners of the race were announced at the time of the talk show.

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