REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said the focus on sealing the buildings on islets C and D in Jakarta Bay was to enforce the rules. He led the operation to ensure no further activity on the locations on Thursday (June 7).
"The buildings did not have building permits (IMBs), so as a governor I can't just remain silent," said Anies on Friday (June 8).
Jakarta Provincial Government have sealed 932 buildings on islets C and D in Jakarta Bay on the northern coast. The buildings, which were developed by PT Kapuk Naga Indah, a subsidiary of the Agung Sedayu Group consisted of 409 houses, 212 office houses, and 311 houses units, and houses that have not finished yet.
"At this phase, the buildings are sealed, later after establishment of related agencies as stipulated by Presidential Regulation No. 52/1995, we will prepare plans for coastal areas and small islets," Anies explained.

One of the buildings sealed by Jakarta Provincial Government at islet D of Jakarta Bay, Thursday (June 7).
Based on the plan, the spatial arrangement will be made later as local regulation (perda). The zoning also will be discussed to determine location of office zone, housing zone, and others.
"Insya Allah (Gods will), this year it can be completed because we already have the plan," said Anies.
Meanwhile, Indonesian Traditional Fishermen Association (KNTI) chairman Marthin Hadiwinata appreciated Jakarta Provincial Government for sealing hundreds of buildings in Jakarta Bay on the northern coast. However, he assessed the provincial government still has many things to do.
Marthin said concrete steps needed to prevent developer from continuing their activities. He reminded that similar action has been done before by central government, ministries, and others. However, it was not effective as there was no follow-up actions.
Development continued and impacts were felt by the society due to reclamation, such as the occurrence of environmental damage and sedimentation. "We can see in 2014 to 2018, efforts to seal and stop development process on the reclamation islets were not effective," Marthin said.
National Democratic (Nasdem) Party politician Bestari Barus assessed sealing of building on the reclamation islets was not something to be brag about. On the other hand, he assessed the buildings would be redundant if it was not utilized.
Therefore, Bestari asked Anies to fix the permits, so the islets can be developed and the economy grows. "If the governor is smart, I think he should fix the permit to make the economy grows," Bestari added.
Meanwhile, Commission D Jakarta Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) head, Iman Satria said the sealing of C and D islets in Jakarta Bay has proved Anies' firm stance. He assessed the governor has applied law indiscriminately.
"It was a proof that governor did not indiscriminate, equality before the law," Iman said.