Jumat 27 Apr 2018 00:15 WIB

Majority of foreign workers in 7 provinces come from China

Around 24,804 of 85,974 foreign workers in Indonesia are Chinese nationals.

Rep: Halimatus Sa'diyah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ombudsman Commissioner Laode Ida (right) and chief of the National Police's intelligence Lutfi Lubihanto (left) hold a press conference on placement and monitoring of foreign workers, Jakarta, on Thursday (April 26).
Foto: Antara/Dhemas Reviyanto
Ombudsman Commissioner Laode Ida (right) and chief of the National Police's intelligence Lutfi Lubihanto (left) hold a press conference on placement and monitoring of foreign workers, Jakarta, on Thursday (April 26).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia Ombudsman revealed investigation result related to foreign workers. There were seven provinces investigated in June to December 2017, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java, Banten, Southeast Sulawesi, West Papua, North Sumatra and Riau Islands.

Based on investigation, Ombudsman found majority of foreign workers in Indonesia came from China. In fact, viewed from the value of its investment, China ranked third as the country with the largest investment in Indonesia, after Singapore and Japan.

"Chinas investment in Indonesia is on third place, but the number of foreign workers from the country ranked on first place," said Ombudsman Commissioner, La Ode Ida on Thursday (April 26).

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Based on data from Ministry of Manpower, the total number of foreign workers in Indonesia is 85,974 people and as many as 24,804 among them are from China. Ombudsman advised government to evaluate the visa-free policy to limit the entry of illegal foreign workers.

In addition, Ombudsman also asked Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to evaluate bilateral agreements with the investor countries based on the type and value of their investments. However, the permission to hire foreign workers in Indonesia is entirely the authority of the Ministry of Manpower, but first there is recommendation from BKPM.

Also read: Jokowi signs Perpres on the ease for foreign workers

"Ministry of Manpower usually will ask for recommendations from BPKM because BPKM more know how many foreign workers should be used for the project," Sub-Directorate of Sulawesi Region BKPM head Subhan said.

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