REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A Wings Air plane hit a bird when it was about to take off from Sam Ratulangi International Airport in the North Sulawesi provincial capital of Manado on Sunday. The incident caused the airline to delay its flight.
The incident caused damage to the ATR 72-500/60 plane's structure, disruption to its machine and direct threat to its flight safety, the corporate communication section of Lion Air Group to which Wings Air is affiliated said in a press statement released on Sunday.
"The company is committed to meeting and implementing all existing rules related to safety, security and convenience," he said.
Because of the incident, Wings Air delayed its flight from Sam Ratulangi Airport to Melonguane Airport in Talaud Islands and Miangas Airport in North Sulawesi for 120 minutes.
The incident forced the Wings Air plane to return to the apron for convenience and security reasons. All the 67 passengers including adults, children descended from the plane and were ordered to await in the departure terminal.
It took two hours to repair the plane.
ATR 72-500/60 is a 72-seater plane which operates with twin propeller.
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