REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA -- JAYAPURA -- Director General of Social Protection and Social Security, Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat denied the news mentioning 15 thousand of Asmat residents suffered from malnutrition. Nevertheless, he admitted 646 people of 117 village infected by measles and 144 children malnourished.
"There were four malnourished children who got measles and another 25 suspected to have the same condition," he said during commemoration of the 58th National Nutrition Day (HGN), in Jakarta, Thursday (January 25).

Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek (left) have a chat with a parent of malnourished children at the Protestant Church's hall, Agats, Asmat regency, Papua, on Thursday (January 25).
According to Director General of Public Health from the Ministry of Health, Anung Sugihanto, 20 percent of Asmat region has not been reached by health professionals. Based on monitoring of nutritional status, about 2,350 children under five in Asmat diagnosed with malnutrition and poor nutrition.
Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Asmat, Papua, is in its full capacity to treat malnourished and measles children. An official of Asmat Outbreak Response Team, Yusuf Wona said, the hospital could not accommodate new referred patients.

Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek (right) visit children treated from malnutrition at Protestant Church, Agats, Asmat regency, Papua, on Thursday (January 25).
"RSUD Asmat treated 86 patient, among 29 of them treated at ward and another seven malnutrition and measles still being treated at Emergency room," he said on Thursday (January 25).
Meanwhile, other patients were treated at several churches in the regency.
About 61 children and toddler died since measles outbreak and malnutrition hit Asmat regency. The plague was first identified in September 2017. According to Provincial Health Office of Papua, 558 measles cases detected.
Furthermore, the office recorded that from January 1 to January 11, 2018, as many as 29 people were hospitalized and 34 became outpatients due to measles. Meanwhile, Ministry of Health recorded two inpatients, five outpatients, and one patient who died due to malnutrition.