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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24
Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

Trade ministry expands Indonesian products export to Japan

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita
Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- he Ministry of Trade seeks to expand market access for Indonesian products through a trade mission program to Japan, involving delegates who will leave for the country between Nov 28 and 30, 2017.

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Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita will lead the Indonesian trade mission delegation to Japan. The Japanese government t is expected to provide increased commitment to offer wider access to Indonesian products, both goods and services.

Some of those products are foods, agriculture, and fishery, as well as services of skilled workers, such as nurses and caregivers.

"In addition, we are also exploring opportunities for cooperation to push Indonesian products into the Japanese market, through the existing retail distribution system in the country," Enggartiasto stated in a written statement received by Antara here on Monday.

According to him, this trade mission is a follow up of a meeting of Indonesian Trade Minister and the JETRO Delegation (the Japan External Trade Organization), led by JETRO Vice President Yuri Sato, on Aug 10, 2017, in Jakarta.

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At the meeting, the two sides were committed to improve the cooperation between the two countries in economic and trade sectors. At that time, JETRO invited Indonesian businessmen to visit Japan and to bring together Indonesian business players and their Japanese counterparts.

The Indonesian trade mission consists of 21 companies that are engaged in various business sectors, including processed foods, herbal products, textiles, creative products such as toys, fashion, furniture, and home decor.

Manufacturers of paper, palm oil and its derivatives, essential oils, tires and fertilizers, as well as companies of renewable energy development will also participate in the mission.

"Through this trade mission, it is expected that Indonesian business actors, who have entered Japan and those who have not, can increase their product exports," Enggartiasto noted.

Data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics indicated that the total trade value of non-oil and gas of Indonesia and Japan in 2012-2016 showed negative growth of 14.70 percent.

Meanwhile, the total trade value of the two countries in January-September 2017 amounted to US$23.8 billion and provided a surplus $2.5 billion for Indonesia. This value increased by 11.63 percent compared to the same period last year, which amounted to $21.3 billion.

Indonesia's main export products to Japan in 2016 included coal, copper seeds, nickel, plywood, shrimp, paper and paper products, palm oil and derivatives, furniture, coffee, footwear, clothing, and tires.

sumber : Antara

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