Rabu 19 Apr 2017 00:03 WIB

Diversity and Religious Tolerance


By Ananda Rasti *) 

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, According to Dr. DyahAdriantini Sintha Dewi, SH, M. Hum, the used of motto 'Unity in Diversity' that comes from the book of 'Sutasoma' by Mpu Tantular during the Majapahit kingdom have shown their acceptance of the Indonesian nation. It is recalled that, even though the nation of

Indonesia consists of various tribes, customs, religion, language, but the use of a term that comes from Buddhism and Hinduism, got a deal to use without causing turbulence conflict between faiths. Indonesian culture which assumes that the state as a large family, has been able to corroborate the validity of the slogan Unity until today. 

It is not easy to set up and organize a country with a vast territory, the number of very large population with diverse customs, local language, culture, religion and diverse character. Diversity is very likely a precursor to a split. For that, it is very great and we have appreciated the idea of ​​the founding fathers who cite 'Unity in Diversity' as the basic motto of Indonesia. The country, is a house that consists of 17,504 islands, 1,360 tribes nation, 726 regional languages, in addition to the diversity of religions and beliefs that are recognized by the state.

Pancasila Law State Concept

Law state concept developed in accordance with the character of a nation. The birth of the concept of rechtstaat in Europe come from a struggle against absolutism so revolutionary in character, while the concept of the Rule of Law developed evolutionary. The values ​​contained in Pancasila, it is appropriate used as the basis of law state concept for Indonesia, given that the values ​​of Pancasila is extracted from the Indonesian nation itself, thus reflecting the identity of Indonesia. It's what distinguishes the identity of the Indonesian nation with other nations. 

Unity in diversity as a paradigm in the enforcement of law state concept of Pancasila, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia is an Indonesian law states that "Indonesia is a country of law". In general, that the concept of state law governs the exercise of the powers of government are based on the law. In carrying out the concept of Pancasila state law, which departs from the original attitude of the Indonesian nation, that the need for appropriate paradigm as guidelines. 

In order to uphold the concept of state that believe in god as the realization of diversity with based on tolerance, hospitality and mutual cooperation as a reflection of the values ​​of Pancasila, the activities of state administration in Indonesia needs to be a strengthening of the legal system in the activity of state administration in Indonesia, which includes three elements; the substance, structure and legal culture. 

In relation to the substance, that the provision in Article 29 of the Indonesia's 1945 Constitution must be thoroughly understood and internalized by the entire nation of Indonesia. While related to the structure, that state officials have a duty to safeguard and overseeing the implementation in order to awake the tolerance and religious harmony in implementing the provisions of the respective adherents.

The element becomes dominant legal culture, considering the key is in the attitude and behavior of people. That Indonesia was formed starting from diversity is a matter that cannot be denied, so that the legal culture of society to respect the existing differences into demands in upholding the law state concept of Pancasila.

Learn and listen from the facts these days, including the development of bigotry increasingly acute happened lately, it is not wrong if the public demanded that the government is firmly against the radical organization, not only with the nuances of Islam but also shades of other religions, because these radical organizations and intolerant of any religion ruin sacred teachings of nature as well as the value of 'Unity in Diversity' as a backbone of the Indonesia's archipelago.

*) The author is the observer of Politics and Security at the Institute of Political Analysis and Democracy (LAPD) in Jakarta.

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