Kamis 23 Mar 2017 19:35 WIB

ISIS sympathizers claim London attack as a revenge

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Police tried to evacuate one of victim of terror attack at Westiminster Bridge, London, Wednesday (March 22).
Foto: AP
Police tried to evacuate one of victim of terror attack at Westiminster Bridge, London, Wednesday (March 22).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – Five people died including a stabbed police during an attack near the House of Parliament in London on Wednesday (22/3). The Guardian reported there were 40 others were injured, including three polices.

“Unfortunately, I got information that there were five people died. It was included a police who safe the House of Parliament and a man indicated as the assailant who were shot by the police,” said the Head of Contra Terrorism Mark Rowley as reported by Fox News.

He said there was only an assailant and so far there was no party said responsible for the attack. Police said a vehicle crashed on some walkers in Westminster, London. The driver was out of it and stabbed a knife to a police. He tried to enter the House of Parliament. He was died after being shot by another police.

The attack was happened exactly a year after a bombing in Brussels Airport. during the incident, 32 were died. Similar attacks were occured in Berlin (Germany) and Nice (France).

Sympathizers of a radical group ISIS said it was a revenge of the previous attack by the British troops to ISIS in Syria and Iraq. They said in Telegram that it was a blessed attack.

The Telegraph reported, one of them said Britain had paid for blood with blood as the country cooperated with US to involve in a military operation against ISIS.  Our battle in your land had just begins,” said him.

So far, no one had claimed to be responsible for the attack. Attacks organized by ISIS were commonly claimed within 24 hours. Any motives behind the attack had not been revealed.

However, vehicle attacks and knife stabs had commonly been a character of ISIS, as what happened in Berlin and Nice. Former spokesperson of ISIS Abu Mohammad al-Adnani said the members had been instructed to attack their houses in Europe. It was said through an audio.

“If you can find an ammunition, then you see an American or French or one of their ally, hit their head by stones or stab them by knife or crash them by your vehicle,” he said.

ISIS had explicitly conducted some attacks to Britain for the last 18 months. At the end of ISIS provocative video claimed as a Paris attack on November 2015, the group said Britain would be the next target.

Britain was the second most country which its citizens joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Fortunately the country had always spared from deadly attack as France, Belgium, and Germany.

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