Rabu 27 Jul 2016 22:16 WIB

Car carrying Dairi Regent crashes and overturned

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Fanny Octavianus

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KARO – Car carrying Dairi Regent, Kanjeng Raden Johnny Sitohang Adinegoro crashed on Wednesday (27/7) at around 05.30 a.m. Accident was occurred in Djamin Ginting Street, Km 63 Berastagi, Karo.

Vice Regent Dairi Irwansyah Pasi who join the group, said the incident occurred when they were on the way to Medan. Honda Accord car with police number BK 100 EY carrying regents Johnny overturned after the car driver is not able to control the steering.

"I was in another car. The car carrying regents suddenly overturned.

Thank God there were no victims, Regents Johnny also survived," Irwansyah said when contacted on Wednesday (27/7).

After accident, Irwansyah said, his group had continued the journey.

Currently, he and his entourage have been arrived in Medan.

"It’s just wrecked car. The car temporarily in Berastagi," he said.

North Sumatra Police spokesman Adj. Sr.Cmr. Rina Ginting said the accident occurred when the car carrying the regents overtake the car in front of his car.

"Due to the preceding car in front of him, the regent's car overturned and lost control," said Rina when confirmed.

Rina said, besides the regent Johnny, the overturned car was also carrying another passenger named B Simatupang and Harus Mari. After receiving first aid, the group went back to continue the journey.

"No casualties and regents ask to go to Medan," Rina said.

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