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Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24
Jadwal Imsakiyah
Imsak : 04:33
Subuh : 04:43
Zuhur : 12:08
Ashar : 15:12
Maghrib : 18:15
Isya : 19:24

Indonesian halal products sold out at Moscow halal expo

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Indonesian foods, including instant noodles, peanuts, and chips, as well as traditional beverages such as red ginger drink, sold out at the Moscow Halal Expo held at the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre, Moscow, June 2-5, 2016.

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The expo was officially opened by representatives of the Russian Federation's Mufti Council, as organizers of the expo, the Indonesian embassy in Moscow told Antara?s London correspondent on Tuesday.

Indonesian Ambassador to Russia and Belarus Wahid Supriyadi was also present during the opening ceremony.

Other products offered at Indonesia's stand included batik dresses, batik scarfs, hijabs, accessories, and leather bags.

Indonesia also sold "tempe" (soybean cake), fried noodles, spring rolls, "rempeyek (peanut brittle), and fried dried potatoes.

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"Russia, having a Muslim population of 25 million, is a potential market for Indonesia's halal products," Ambassador Wahid noted.

Indonesia, whose products meet international halal standard, has participated in the annual Moscow Halal Food Expo since 2010.

The expo included representatives from 50 companies and 10 countries, including Malaysia, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Khazakistan, Tunisia and Greece.

In May, the Indonesian Embassy in Washington D.C. promoted the country's foods and beverages at the "Passport DC 2016" event, which sought to promote Indonesian products in the U.S. capital, Washington DC.

"At least 5,400 people visited the Indonesian booth. They had a very positive response, especially for our coffee products and snacks," Trade Attache of the Indonesian embassy in Washington D.C., Reza Pahlevi, said in a press release in May.

The strategy used for promoting Indonesian products at the expo included giving away free samples, Reza said.

In addition, the embassy promoted fashion, accessories, batik cloth, handicrafts and home decorations from Indonesia.

Reza further said he is seeking major super markets in the United States that could help sell Indonesian foods and beverages.

sumber : Antara

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