Kamis 03 Mar 2016 21:24 WIB

TNI AU to observe Indonesia Aerospace Month 2016

Foto: Antara/M N Kanwa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Headquarters of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) will observe the Indonesian Aerospace Month 2016 to mark its 70th anniversary on April 9, Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Agus Supriyatna, said.

"One of the ways for community participation in the development of aerospace potential is to observe the Indonesian Aerospace Month to welcome the Air Force's anniversary every April 9," Agus said on Thursday.

He noted that the Indonesia Aerospace Month is an important activity for enhancing the Air Force and aerospace development potential of Indonesia for empowering the society through a state defense force in aerospace.

To be held in Jakarta and Bandung, the Indonesia Aerospace Month in April 2016 is targeted to attract at least 50 thousand visitors, and to bring the community into the realm of national aerospace and the Air Force.


According to Agus, the Indonesian Aerospace Month will be enlivened by various activities, such as aerospace sport events, aerospace education and a technology expo, and an aerospace seminar.

A whole series of activities will be implemented in April 2016, initiated through a series of aerospace competitions, paragliding, and a cross-country bike challenge to be held in a number of places.

sumber : Antara

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