Jumat 29 Jan 2016 21:19 WIB

Peradi wants poor society to receive legal aid

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Advocates Association (Peradi) expressed their readiness to help poor society with legal aid from lawyers who defend them with free of charge.

"Peradi as advocate organizations is taking part in the movement of legal aid assistance to poor society," Chairman of the Legal Assistance Centre (PBH) Peradi, Rival Kusumanegara said on Friday (29/1).

In order to lure interest of the advocates, Peradi will reward them, who often provide legal aid to poor society. Therefore, Peradi hoped no more poor society who feels difficult to receive legal aid.

"We hope with this reward, all the advocates in Peradi can serve more poor society with zero cost or in other words free," he added.

Every poor people who need legal aid can contact Peradi office. Peradi has a legal obligation to provide legal aid as many as 50 hours per year.

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