Senin 07 Dec 2015 21:01 WIB

Indonesia's membership in OPEC can attract energy investment

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's membership in OPEC was believed to effectively attract energy investment from OPEC member countries. Indonesia has to be able to attract such investment, especially for industry, energy and agriculture.

Expert Team of Crude Oil Price of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Maizar Rahman, said OPEC countries in the Persian Gulf has oil revenues up to trillions US dollars and the fund was invested in western countries.

"I think OPEC forum can be used to launch the economic diplomacy," he said, Sunday (6/12).

Read: Indonesia needs balance energy diversification as member of OPEC

Indonesia in OPEC could obtain foreign policy diplomacy advantages. Usually, OPEC countries helped each other to support position of their members in a particular foreign policy.

Because Indonesia is still an importer, then the role of Indonesia in OPEC is more focused on dialogue between producers and consumers of energy. Moreover, Indonesia is also member of International Energy Agency (IEA).

"So Indonesia could take a role as mediator between the two agencies," he added.

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