Ahad 08 Nov 2015 19:48 WIB

Indonesia targets 20 million foreign tourists in 2019

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Budi Candra Setya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON -- Indonesia targeted 20 million foreign tourist visits in 2019. Secretary of Ministry of Tourism, Ukus Kuswara, said if the target could be realized, then the tourism sector could give Rp 240 trillion to the state.

One of efforts to attract foreign tourists was by improving Cheng Ho ocean line tours. This tourism destination, he added, could attract most Chinese tourists.

"Cheng Ho line tours is one of the leading tourist plan that is targeted to attract tourists from China," he said, in Cirebon, Saturday (7/11).

Tourism targets in 2019 should also be in line with improvements in various sectors, especially in access to tourism destinations. Currently, the tourist arrivals in Indonesia was mostly from Singapore, Malaysia, China, Australia, Japan, and Korea.

"Need improvements in many areas, especially facilities in tourism places, so that the target of 20 million foreign tourist in 2019 will be realized," he explained.

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