Rabu 28 Oct 2015 09:24 WIB

US newspaper misidentifies photo of President Jokowi

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
The Washington Post
Foto: guardian.co.uk
The Washington Post

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON DC -- The United States (US) famous newspapers, The Washington Post, Tuesday (27/10) edition, misidentified a photo of Indonesian Minister of Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu as President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The Washington Post provided a news of the arrival of President Jokowi to the US which was accelerated because of haze in Indonesia.

On page A10, the newspaper was featuring a photo of Indonesian Minister of Defence Ryamizard Ryacudu, at the Pentagon on Monday (27/10). At the right side of Ryamizard, there was Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter. However, the photo caption on the news mentioned that the people who was in the photo, was President Jokowi.

In the caption was written: "Indonesian President Joko Widodo salutes a color guard at the Pentagon on Monday. At right is Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter".

Whereas, on the first page of the newspaper in the bottom left corner, it displayed photo of President Jokowi and President Obama shaking hands during a joint press statement in the Oval Office. The article was written by Juliet Eilperin with  email address juliet.eilperin@washpost.com.

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