Rabu 14 Oct 2015 11:57 WIB

Radin Inten II Airport to become international airport in 2017

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Dailymail

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDARLAMPUNG - Ministry of Transportation and Lampung Provincial Government set a new target for Radin Inten II Airport to become an international airport in 2017. Assistant I of Lampung Provincial Secretariat, Rifki Wiryawan, said to achieve the new status, there must be runway extension.

"We hold expansion. It has started a few years ago and will be completed in 2015. We will extent the runway from 2,500 meters to 3,000 meters," he said in Bandarlampung, Wednesday (14/10).

Therefore, he added, it took areas of ​​78 hectares and the land acquisition was carried out in two stages. The addition of runway was an absolute prerequisite, in order to accommodate aircraft airbus type that is widely used as an international transport.

The current expansion of the airport has entered the stage of public consultation. Runway extension will be conducted in seven villages in Natar district  South Lampung. The first stage of land acquisition will be released in 2015 by ​​36 hectares and in 2016 will be 42 hectares.


Efforts to improve the status of Radin Inten II Airport to become International Airport had been conducted by Lampung Provincial Government over the last ten years, but it received positive signals from Ministry of Transportation in 2015.

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