Selasa 29 Sep 2015 15:03 WIB

Indonesia has excellent nuclear technology application

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: EPA

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, VIENNA -- Indonesian Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), Rachmat Budiman, said Indonesia has advantages in application of nuclear technology for agricultural purposes. Rachmat previously became head of Indonesian delegation at the meeting of the Board of Governors of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in Vienna, Austria, 7th to 11th September.

"Indonesia's application of nuclear technology is internationally recognized through the award of Outstanding Achievement Award in mutation breeding," said Rachmat.

With this advantage, Indonesia is ready to help other developing countries through a cooperation scheme of Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) in mutation breeding, particularly the developing countries in the Asia Pacific.

Through schemes of PUI, Indonesia provides their expertise. Meanwhile, the funding of the cooperation is expected to be obtained from other donor countries.

Indonesia is also ready to raise regional cooperation, especially through the laboratories of BATAN (National Atomic Energy Agency), which has been set as the IAEA Collaborating Center for Industrial Applications of Nuclear Technology.

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