Jumat 04 Sep 2015 00:45 WIB

IPB to become research-based campus


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) will be developed into a research-based campus. Various efforts to become research-based campus have been conducted.

“We developed the campus to become a research based campus,” said Rector of IPB, Herry Suhardiyanto, after the opening of IPB Investment Summit at Sultan Hotel, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (3/9).

According to Herry, IPB will require the lecturers to do more research and give more space to them. The lecturer will soon be given more servings on research assignment. They also have to be adjusted with their scientific context.

He said that if IPB has had autonomy authority, the various research can easily be done. The fact is, there was still no clarity of the autonomy authority from the government.

“The obstacles are also the clarity of budget policy and facilitation from the government,” he added.

sumber : Antara
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