Sabtu 08 Aug 2015 00:48 WIB

UM Magelang exchanges students and lecturer with Thailand

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG – Faculty of Health Science of Muhammadiyah University (UM) Magelang, Central Java, exchanged students and lecturer with Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand. There were 10 students and one lecturer that were exchanged.

“The 10 students are students of nurses program, consist of two boys and eight girls. Meanwhile, a lecturer sent was NS Sumarmo Adi Subroto from Nursing faculty. They followed the selection since April,” said the Dean of Faculty of Health Science of UM Magelang, Puguh Widiyanto, Friday (7/8).

The students will follow the activities for a month in Thailand and the lecturer will give lecture at KKU for a week.

Puguh explained that this program was part of an MoU between UM Magelang and KKU Thailand. The students will be taught about emergency nursing and critical care.

The  Faculty of Health Science of UM Magelang will provide the cost for all participants. While the cost of study in Thailand will be provided by KKU. This program aims to improve the quality of the Faculty of Health Science UM Magelang.

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