REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin visited the Corruption Eradication Comission (KPK)’s building, on Thursday afternoon, June 25. Lukman arrival was to discuss and to evaluate the implementation of government regulations related to the cost of marriage and reconcile.
He said, Religious Affairs Minister coordinated with KPK regarding the implementation of Regulation Number 48 Year 2014 on the tariff on the type of non-tax state revenue (PBNP), which was already apply almost a year.
"We held a coordination meeting related to the implementation and evaluation of Government Regulation Number 48 Year 2014 PBNP of marriage and reconciliation," said Lukman.
Politician of United Development Party (PPP) admitted there were still many things which should be enhanced in the implementation of these rules.
Marriage tariff indeed could be a polemic around the end of 2013. At that time, KPK conducted a study related to fees of marriage headman. There were many headmen who received money and considered as a form of gratification which was the limited operational funds of Religious Affairs Office (KUA).
The Government then issued Government Regulation (PP) Number 48 of 2014 on Reconcile Marriage costs. The PP was arranged, marriage or reconcile at KUA on working days and hours charged Rp 0. While marriage outside KUA and or outside working hours charged Rp 600 thousand.