Senin 22 Jun 2015 16:33 WIB

VP: Leaders must be just and democratic

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: @Pak_JK
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The leaders of a nation should apply just and democratic principles in the best interests of their people, according to Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

"The leaders must be democratic and ensure justice for their people," the vice president noted in his sermon during evening prayers at Sunda Kelpa mosque in Central Jakarta on Sunday evening.

Kalla pointed out that the conflicts, which often occur in countries in the Middle East, were caused by undemocratic leaders who did not respect the aspirations of their people.

He also affirmed that the leaders of countries in the Middle East were merely enjoying the local natural wealth without thinking about their people's welfare.


"What can we learn from this reality? In oil-producing countries that were previously prosperous, we see that they could destroy themselves," the vice president remarked.

Kalla explained that the condition in those countries was the result of undemocratic leaders who failed to provide what is right for their people.

According to Kalla, the differences in ideology and outlook between the Sunni and Shiite groups in the Middle East countries were often also the cause of disputes and conflicts there.

Therefore, the vice president highlighted the importance of tolerance for maintaining inter-religious harmony, as it prevails among different religious communities in Indonesia.

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi in her opening address during a workshop on "Democracy and Innovation in Good Governance" here recently stated that the values of Islam and democracy in Indonesia may also be applied in other countries.

"Indonesia is an example that Islam and democracy can coexist. There is no doubt that almost 90 percent of Indonesia's population is Muslim, but democracy can function well, and all the people of different religions can live in perfect peace and harmony," Retno affirmed.

In light of this, the foreign affairs minister noted that in several international forums, Indonesia has always shared its experiences and the best possible practices regarding democratic developments in developing Muslim countries.

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