Senin 15 Jun 2015 23:27 WIB

Local figures should be documented

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Dr. TGH. Muhammad Zainul Majdi
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Dr. TGH. Muhammad Zainul Majdi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM -- Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), TGH Zainul Majdi encouraged local leaders who have a history of building their regions should be well documented. So it expected such documentation could be reference for future development.

"The internalization of values not only through the concrete transformation but can be known from the figures that are well documented," he told reporters in Mataram, on Sunday, June 14.

According to him, the local government was ready to support and to facilitate the local leaders whom want to document the history of building their regions through a book. In addition, it also invited all elements of society to write the biography of development leaders in the regions.

He said that those who contribute to the development history were the people involved in history. Thus, today's society must be able to internalize the values that have been taken by local leaders.

Zainul Majdi added in build the region was not only talking about money. However, it took wisdom and strong perseverance. So, we need to understand the history that has been done by the previous figures. C37


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