Senin 15 Jun 2015 20:06 WIB

Minister Susi reports HAI FA ship to interpol

Susi Pudjiastuti
Foto: Antara/ Wahyu Putro A
Susi Pudjiastuti

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's minister of fisheries and marine resources Susi Pudjiastuti has said she has reported Chinese MV Hai Fa ship to Interpol.

The ship carrying Chinese crew is reported to have returned to the country of its origin after it was fined for carrying illegal fish.

"We have reported Hai Fa to the Interpol," she said to newsmen at the parliament building here on Monday.

She said the ship should have remained declared guilty because it had violated a number of international shipping regulations.

As has been known the High Court in Maluku has confirmed the decision of the district court of Ambon to fine the skipper of the ship Rp200 million (around US$15,000).

The People's Coalition for Fishermen's Justice (Kiara) has appealed to all parties to keep monitoring foreign ships targeting the country's sea resources.

"Imagine. There are more than 6,000 foreign ships still moving around outside the Indonesian waters following a moratorium," Kiara secretary general Abdul Halim said to Antara on Thursday (May 12).

The ships may possibly transform into new ships to conduct poaching of fish and other marine resources in the country's waters, he said.

Minister Susi has said that almost all foreign ships used to catch fish in the Indonesian waters are believed to be involved in illegal fishing activities.

"Almost 99.9 percent of the ships are involved in illegal fishing or at least not reporting their catch," she said.

The Indonesian government through the ministry of fisheries and marine resources has since November 2014 banned foreign ships from fishing in the country's waters by issuing a moratorium of fishing licensing for foreign ships operating in the country's waters.


sumber : Antara
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