Ahad 14 Jun 2015 16:40 WIB

Ahok: A group of people hamper reshuffle of Jakarta officials

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja revealed that there were people that hamper the executives reshuffle, in selecting the Civil Servant (PNS) echelon one and two.

"If I am prejudiced, I say that they were deliberately hampering it. So there is still a group of people who still defend his friends," said Ahok, nickname of Basuki, at City Hall Jakarta, on Thursday, June 11.

In June, Ahok was planning to replace some of the civil servants, as for one echelon levels equal to the deputy, while the second echelon level equal to Head of Department.

"There is a group of people who see the reforms as beneficial to diligent people, honest people.  Who are not diligent people will continue trying to stop," said Basuki.

Previously Ahok also asked echelon one and two to reorganize the ranks in the bottom namely echelon three and four in May. Then, if the relevant authorities have overhauled the persisting problem persists, the second echelon would be replaced it.

"I have been given a chance, just fire [them] who in echelon three, and four if they are not right. If you don't want to fire echelon three, its means echelon four will be fired. Something like that," said former politician of Gerindra.


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