Jumat 05 Jun 2015 06:52 WIB

New TNI commander not just substitute

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
TNI (Antara/Sigid Kurniawan)
TNI (Antara/Sigid Kurniawan)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Commander subtitution was a routine agenda that occur in TNI institution. But the election of a replacement candidate of TNI Commander General Moeldoko was not solely as a turnover figure.

Executive Director of Imparsial, Poengky Indarti looked the new TNI commander will determine the face of the defense and security institutions of the country. This moment, she said, has an important meaning that affects the dynamics future on TNI.

"But it also has an influence on the dynamics of TNI in the future. The new TNI commander will determine how TNI’s face in the future. Moreover, the military today still face many problems both internally and externally," said Poengky to ROL, on Thursday, June 4.

According to her, this moment was not merely electing new figure but  also must be accompanied by a framework to encourage the emergence of TNI commander figure that could push this institution became more professional in the future.

Moeldoko will enter a period of preparation for retirement on July 8. President Jokowi would choose potential successors to lead the military in the future.


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