Kamis 30 Apr 2015 18:59 WIB
Republika's Agents of Change 2014

Agents of Change, working in full sincerity

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Logo Republika Online (ROL).
Foto: Republika Online (ROL)
Logo Republika Online (ROL).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Working without sincerity is exhausting action without results. Sincerity is a keyword to assess each work. Many people who can work, but not few who base their works on the sincerity to deliver benefits in life. The people who base their work on sincerity are great exemplary figures.

From them we can get a lot of inspiration in improving the quality of life. They also become a driving force to make a better life. Every inch of improving the quality of life is a form of change that is expected by all human beings. A figure that successfully devoted his sincerity in society is a very important element for the progress of this nation.

Republika greatly appreciate any positive changes that affect the community. They are very appropriate to get an appreciation for his services to promote Indonesia. As a form of gratitude to those who have worked sincerely in driving change, every year Republika awarded the Agents of Change.

The tradition has been going on since 2005. We are expecting this effort could infuse the spirit of fire to the figures who have rendered great services for life to continue to work with sincerity. The results of their work will be a motivation for us all to bring this nation to a better direction.

As appreciation for the consistency of goodwill and changes that have them brought, Republika awarded Agents of Change 2014 award to these outstanding figures.

The figures which were awarded in Republika's Agents of Change 2014 are regent of Banyuwangi, Anwar Abdullah Anas; the initiator of the movement One Day One Juz, Bhayu Subrata and Primary Widodo; Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Shamsuddin; Bantaeng Regent Nurdin Abdullah; and the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini. The Sixth Republika's Agents of Change 2014 has proved their valuable moves in terms of promoting the country.

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