Selasa 28 Apr 2015 17:53 WIB

Indonesia expected to earn US$10 million from Canada's exhibition

Teuku Faizasyah
Teuku Faizasyah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TORONTO -- The Indonesian Pavilion is expected to record a total of US$10 million in transactions at the Canadian exhibition on food products called, "Salon International de L'alimentation" (SIAL), a government official stated in Montreal on Monday.

Conversing with journalists after visiting the pavilion, accommodating 28 Indonesian food companies, Director General of the Trade Ministry's National Export Development Nus Nuzulia expressed optimism that the transaction target can be achieved.

At the same trade expo held in 2013 and 2014, Indonesia gained a total of US$4.5 million and US$3.72 million in transactions respectively. In the past two years, just 12 and 13 companies respectively participated in the Indonesian Pavilion, she remarked.

Indonesian Ambassador to Canada Teuku Faizasyah also visited the pavilion to oversee the final preparations before the exhibition is held on April 28-30.

Ambassador Teuku Faizasyah stated that Indonesia was expected to gain maximally in transactions from the trade expo, participated by more than 400 companies from 45 countries all over the world.

Canada is a potential market for Indonesia as most of the country's food demands are met through imports, he said, adding that Indonesian businesspersons are encouraged to take part in other Canadian trade exhibitions on food, including those related to fresh food, coffee, and tea products.

The 2015 SIAL is expected to attract about 14 thousand buyers from Canada, the United States, and 64 other countries from the Asian, European, American, and African continents.

Last year's trade expo had the participation of 298 companies from all over the world and was visited by 14,686 people, comprising professionals and businesspersons.

sumber : Antara


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