Kamis 16 Apr 2015 19:43 WIB

TNI uses reserve fund for AAC security

illustration (foto : dok. Penkostrad)
illustration (foto : dok. Penkostrad)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief General Moeldoko said the TNI has used reserve funds to secure the 60th commemoration of the Asian-African Conference (AAC) in Jakarta and Bandung from April 15 to 24.

"That the government did not disburse any fund has hardly obstructed the TNI's job to secure the international conference, which will bring together 109 heads of government/state. We have operational reserve fund," Moeldoko stated while leading a roll call of soldiers ahead of the AAC at the National Monument Square here on Wednesday.

Though a security fund was badly needed to finance operational activities, it has not totally been a deciding element in the TNI's security arrangements for the AAC.

The TNI soldiers have given priority to the best security measures without disturbing the daily activities of the public, he remarked.

"We will try to the best of our capability to serve the state's guests without ignoring public interests," he added.

Special troops, tactical vehicles, and armored fighting vehicles will be kept on standby throughout the AAC, he stressed.

"We will station snipers from the TNI and Polri (National Police) at special points to escort heads of state/government. This is intended to ensure their security without causing any inconvenience to others," he emphasized.

To safeguard the journey of heads of state/government from Jakarta to Bandung, the TNI will also make land and air transportation arrangements, he pointed out.

He added that the TNI has also been coordinating with the security guards of the heads of state/government of all countries attending the AAC.

sumber : Antara
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