Kamis 08 Jan 2015 13:12 WIB

MUI issues fatwa to protect environment

Rep: Marniati/Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) issues a fatwa, or decree, on waste management. The fatwa No 47/2014 aims to protect environment from damage.

"We have the responsibility to protect environment. We have seen many disasters caused by human that damage the environment," Secretary of Fatwa Commission of MUI, Asrorun Ni'am Shaleh, said recently.

Shaleh said that the background of the issuance of the decree was that religion could contribute in preserving nature. MUI, as a top Islamic clerical body, held religious study on waste management. MUI sees that there is a gap between norms and people's behavior. "People damage environment, causing landslide, floods and others," he said.

Religious norm determines environment for human's prosperity as well as ecological balance. "Ministry of Environment also expects religious contribution to tackle the problem," he said.

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