Jumat 12 Dec 2014 20:02 WIB

Minister: Dozens of airport runways to be extended to accomodate jet landing

Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan is seen on screen during a press breifing in Jakarta. (file)
Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan is seen on screen during a press breifing in Jakarta. (file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --  Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan said dozens of runways in a number of district capital cities would be extended to facilitate the landing of jet planes.

"We will extend runways in dozens of district capital cities that are ready," he told newsmen at his office on Friday.

He explained that the length of runways would be extended from 1,600 meters to 2,250 meters to allow jet planes carrying more passengers to land.

"If a plane can carry more passengers, its fare can become cheaper," he noted that adding that the number of feeder planes would not be reduced to accommodate jet planes. "We will let them continue so that passengers will have more choices. They may also be moved to smaller airports," he added.


He remarked he did not know the magnitude of investment required to carry out the program or the manpower preparations needed.

"We have yet to discuss it with AP (Angkasa Pura, the port operator). A lot of things have to be prepared," he pointed out.

Earlier, acting director general of air transportation Bambang Tjahjono said the proposed project would be included in the 2015 revised budget. He revealed that only those runways with potential to be extended up to 2,250 meters in length would be included in this program.

"There are many in the eastern Indonesian regions, but that is not a problem," he said, referring to, among other runways, the one in Saumlaki airport in Maluku, which had the capacity to accommodate a Dornier, that can now accommodate an ATR 72.

sumber : Antara

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