Senin 14 Apr 2014 19:01 WIB

Indonesian government distributes Rp425 bln for disabled

Foto: Bismo/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Government has distributed aid for the majorly disabled worth Rp 425.7 billion from 2006 to 2013.

As quoted from the book, 'A Decade of Building for the Welfare of the People', in Jakarta on Monday, aid such as this continues to increase each year, where every month the Government provides aid in the form of cash amounting to Rp300 thousand.

During 2006, the government, through Ministry of Social Affair, been distributed Rp13.5 billion among 3,375 disabled people, which increased to Rp 21.6 billion in 2007 for 6 thousand disabled people.

The aid further increased to Rp36 billion in 2008 for 10 thousand people and to Rp61.2 billion in 2009 and 2010 for 17 thousand disabled people.

Meanwhile, in 2011 the aid was increased to be Rp70.6 billion for 19.5 thousand disabled people, while in 2012 and 2013, aid worth Rp80.8 billion was provided for 22 thousand disabled people.

The criteria for the majorly disabled to receive the aid is that the degree of disability cannot be rehabilitated both medically and socially as a well as if the person is dependent on help from others even for daily activities.

The government also empowers those who have minor disability through training and capital assistance.

Besides the aid for the majorly disabled, the government also distributed aid for the elderly disabled, who have no fixed income and are so poor that they need to take help from others for support.

The government distributed aid worth Rp200 thousand per month for the disabled elderly. The aid increased from Rp9 billion in 2006 for 2.5 thousand people, while in 2007, the aid rose to Rp12.6 billion for 3.5 displaced elderly and in 2008, the aid rose to Rp18 billion for 5 thousand displaced elderly.

The aid increased to Rp36 billion for 10 thousand elderly people in 2009 and 2010, meanwhile in 2011, the aid was Rp47.7 billion for 13,250, in 2012 and 2013, Rp63.6 billion for 26.5 thousand displaced elderly.

The government has also been taking care of the displaced elderly through the orphanages in several areas across Indonesia.

sumber : Antara
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